Saturday, May 24, 2008

1st day of discovery!

organised by regalblue, conducted by encik hassan. i tot the workshop was just straightforward. now this workshop is truely artistic!
payah kan paham kalau inda pikir secara kreatif.
and i dont know even filem bujang lapuk got hidden messages. mun dikaji filem2 allahyarham p.ramlee banyak pengajaran, bukan lawak semata2. ani hanya yang observative, yang teliti dapat menghayati maksud disebalik setiap scene.
eyes see only images, its up to us yang menafsir. or if we were the artist, to tell the story either secara terang atau ada udang disebalik batu. dont be offensive saja lah aaa...
use art to entertain the empty soul, not to upset anybody. (kata2 hikmat utk ari ani haha!)

1 comment:

[ catastropheez ] said...

yup yup, that's right, art is to entertain, but a good art is art which have a good message/s in it. Even a any symbol, act, colour, etc. that an actor or any artist used buleh memberikan sesuatu message/s. So it depends on the emotion n mentality dari penonton utk mentafsir for whatever message/s yg terkandung dlm seni atu. i remember this professor said, seni yang tiada mesej di dalamnya adalah seni picisan... so for watever art that we create, we have to make sure it is entertaining/beautiful and a good quality piece of art...